The brainchild of Cyan Reign is a self titled Ready To Wear and Couture label that is transformative and unpredictable. It pushes the boundaries and paves the way with edgy designs for women and men alike. Strength and independence combined with whimsical flair and sharp attention to detail are key traits in the labels aesthetic.
The label has launched many collections over the years, and have been notably featured in many fashion parades and events including Melbourne Fashion Week. The inspirations for collections are many and varied and tend to be delicately balanced on the edge of reality. With themes like insane assylm escapees in a psycadelic forest (Delusions of Grandeur) and the rebellious nature of the people of the French Revolution and the Spanish Inquisition (Everybody Loves a French Inquisition), she has never shied away from controversial themes.
The work shown here is commercial artwork created by Jason at Freakdesign. It is not to be copied or reproduced without express permission of the copyright holder.