Updates, tips and notes on design and code
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Getting a shipping estimate for a single product on Shopify is tough since you need to first add it to the cart. With some JavaScript - and a little bit of cart cookie modification - we can add this feature in to any Shopify store without much fuss.
Since usage of the Fetch API is growing I've started to see a few people having issue with POSTing to AJAX add.js endpoint.
Most people that need to know the total stock value are already likely to be using a third party Inventory Management System, ERP (or similar). If you want to know what your total stock value is you can grab that info via the API - let's look how.
For some stores the map on the Shopify Order status page can actually add confusion - especially if you don't ship products and are pickup only. There's a simple enough way to hide the map so let's peek at some code to do it.
If you're doing some self backups you'll suddenly have the need to grab a list of all the files you've uploaded to the Shopify Admin page at /admin/settings/files. Here's a quick JavaScript snippet to export a list of those files.
Let this opening paragraph serve as due warning. Don't attempt to add JavaScript to your Shopify checkout using this method if you are not painfully aware of how to do it, and the potential risk it brings.
This is a javascript tool to add Custom Fields to the admin dashboard. Since my other Dashboard tools are proving to be to super handy I figured Store Owners could do with a smaller version for adding metafields.
This is not a documented feature so expect this to vanish at any point. Adding this should be considered experimental at best.
When doing general testing and updates to a Shopify site you invariably come across something that needs to be edited. Rather than loading up the admin, heading to the right section, and then editing the object it's far easier to just click an edit button on the page itself.