Updates, tips and notes on design and code
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Talking to merchants around the world lets you learn about the many unique ways they need to run their stores . On example of this is a recent email I had from a merchant in the Netherlands that wanted to show BTW instead of VAT in notification emails.
If you have multiple domains attached to your Shopify store you might want to detect what one is currently being used. You might need this is if you want to show certain content if the Australian domain is used versus when the American domain is used.
There'll be times that you might want to use the "type" setting for a Shopify storefront search to change how content is shown in search.liquid.
There's no built in Liquid method to return the querystring values in a url with Shopify Liquid. There is a hacky way to get those values right now but it's far from being something I'd want to see used on a live production site - let's explore it.
If I was designing a password template for a client I'd generally always add the code for that page into a snippet. The reason is pretty simple - it makes it a lot easier to preview the design without locking the store.
The Shopify API doesn't provide a simple way to search for products with a certain SKU code. With some alternate templates and the storefront search let's look at a simple way to add a JSON endpoint for SKU searches.
I'm one of those web devs that likes to make both my source code and the output look at pretty as possible. Pretty output to me is with as much whitespace and bloat removed so a recent update to Liquid makes this simple! Let's explore it.
A great way to showcase your press appearances is with a social proof page showing those publications you're featured in. Dedicated blogs make it easy to feature collections of publications, so let's explore how.
If you've been paying attention to the Shopify help docs you might have noticed that there's a magical new section in the url filters page. This new section talks about how you can create custom images sizes in expect pixel width and height (plus pixel density and cropping)! Let's explore it.